Sunday, August 8, 2010

No Kids Day

Today, I didn't have to be at work until 12. I caught up with my sister a bit about her camp life and was off to work. We had about an hour to plan and then had a group meeting. We all miss Amy a lot. I had a little meeting with Laura and Claire, a local teacher about the orange class that Claire and I share that Laura observed this week. Laura just guided us through how vastly different our teaching styles are, but told us that neither style is wrong, just different. She gave us a few suggestions and left us alone to talk about how we can provide the class with a bit more consistency. Claire and I had a great talk about how we can incorporate each other's styles a bit more and to make more of a structure for the students in our class. It was a lot of give and take on both of our parts, but I think we've come to some good solutions. The students are going to be a bit freaked out by the change, but I think it will help in the long run. It's interesting because Claire and I share another preschool class that is absolutely lovely. Each class is so unique.

I went out to dinner with Marie and Claire, the senior teacher, at a Korean restaurant not too far away from the school. We had a big plate of raw vegetables with a yummy peanut sauce on top, Korean bread sticks with tomato sauce on top, Marie and Claire had some meat dishes and I had some noodles and veggies. Claire told us some awesome stories about when she worked for a governmental minister in the U.K. and her travels around South America. I still think it's pretty awesome that I get to spend time with people from different countries and with vastly different backgrounds. It's making me realize how little I do know about the world. I'm a little in awe of some of my peers' life and travel experiences... almost like when I spent a few summers on the East Coast and was a bit star struck by some of my peers' life experiences too, but I feel like this time I respect where I have come from to get to the place I am in now. No, I haven't traveled much, but I come from a loving and quirky group of family and friends that have added a lot of color to my life, and have had a lot of interesting experiences and adventures that have shaped me. I have stories and ideas to bring to the table, and the younger me wouldn't have thought that.

Thanks for reading through my "Doogie Howser" -esque diary entry at the end!


  1. You go my friend! I've always loved your stories and your life :-D

  2. Thanks, Crystal! I appreciate that!

  3. I totally agree with Crystal! You are so impressive. I've always thought you are the most adventurous friend I have and you continue to prove me right. Go Becky!
