Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Confucius's Temple

Happy March, Everyone!

I've been enjoying a lovely day off. I always enjoy not having to put on the uniform on my days off and wearing big earrings just because I can!

I started the day with a fun Skype chat with my friend, Laura. Then, I decided how I was going to get into trouble for the day! I had been wanting to visit the Confucius Temple for a long time now. I had tried to find it during the summer, but had failed! Today, I went through a couple of guide books and maps online and decided I was going to try again! It turns out that I had been passed it a lot, but during the evenings when it is closed! I spent some time at the temple this afternoon. It is a beautiful place full of lots of trees and there are birds there! I don't get to see too many birds in Beijing. I guess that's just one of the many things I take for granted as a girl from the Northwest. I felt really peaceful there.

My favorite temple was the music temple where students would play as an offering to Confucius for inspiration. It was a beautiful temple filled with lots of instruments, but sections of it were taped off because of reconstruction. Actually, a few of the buildings were closed due to reconstruction.

I also enjoyed seeing 20 statues of the teacher all in a row. They all had a bit of their own personality and Confucius was carrying different items in most of the statues. I put Bartholomew on one of the statues. I know that's probably a bit disrespectful, but I just couldn't resist. I had the thought of Confucius smiling down at it more than of being angry. Considering his temple in Beijing is right next door to both a university and a grade school, I have a feeling that there is a lot of merriment that goes on at the temple! I just imagine how often the students are asked to find inspiration from the great teacher.

Another impressive structure where these huge stone tablets that hold the names of the graduates that passed the special exams from the school of Confucius around the Ming Dynasty area. However, many of the names have been eroded away over time.

After I finished my visit at the temple, I took a walk around the hutong neighborhood. I was walking around 4:30 and I watched as many parents were picking up their children from school, mostly on bikes, but some with cars. Hutong neighborhoods make me think about what life was like for most Beijing citizens before more Western housing became more available and affordable.

I stopped in at a coffee shop after my walk and had a hot chocolate while I waited for the restaurant I wanted to have dinner at to open. I did some people watching and played on my Kindle.

I had a delicious garden burger at the Vineyard before heading home. I plan on visiting Confucius's Temple at least one more time when it gets a little warmer.


  1. What is in the photo that displays the multiple items hanging in a row...look like lanterns? You have so many great memories! Glad you are saving them on film.

  2. I actually have no idea what they are! I'll try to get back to you on that.
