Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Great Wall at Badaling

We made it to the Great Wall at the Badaling site today. Annie got to experience subway rush hour traffic at its finest today at seven AM! We had decided to take a train to the Great Wall. We were amazed that we were able to get tickets so easily by just saying, "Badaling" to the ticket agent. We boarded the train around nine in the morning. The train was really nice and comfortable. It was a bit of a party train because everybody else was going to the Great Wall, too! It only took about an hour to get there. Once we arrived, we just followed the crowd on a ten minute walk to the entrance of the park.

The Great Wall at Badaling is much different than the other portion of the Great Wall that I have visited before. First, it is much more crowded because it is easier to access. However, it is much, much steeper! There were other rough spots on the other portion I have been on, but then it would eventually even out! Badaling doesn't do that... it just gets steeper! We spent about two hours walking on the wall. It was breathtaking. Even though it was louder and there wasn't as much animal and wildlife around, the hills and valleys surrounding the walls are beautiful! The last leg of the most touristed section is called "The Hero's Journey." It was a journey, but I wasn't feeling too heroic because it was tiring! I was so impressed with so many grandmothers clutching at the handrails pulling themselves up the steep steps so determined to reach the end! We reached the end where most of the tourists turn around and called it a day! We spent some time just sitting at the top taking in the view. I made Annie take a Rookie picture of me being triumphant. It took about an hour to walk back to the main part of the park. I shall be feeling the burn tomorrow!

We had lunch at a Subway sandwich restaurant... It feels so odd to be eating "American" food at the Great Wall, but it was a delicious sandwich! We walked back to the train station and caught the 3:30 back with most of our fellow travelers from the first train. I loved staring out the window and the desert scene until I fell asleep! I was one tired girl.

We took a long subway ride to the Sanliturn neighborhood so Annie could buy some more presents for her family and friends at home, and then we picked up some "deli" meals at the grocery store for dinner. It was a fantastic day that I'll never forget!

Back to work tomorrow... It's been so wonderful having so many days off in a row!


  1. I am so glad I have you to tell me about this adventure...my knees would have never allowed me to do that! Can't wait to see the photos!

  2. I posted most of the pictures up on facebook. Maybe Laura can show you sometime?
