Friday, March 4, 2011

China's Tree Planting Day A GO at EF

My idea for EF celebrating in China's Tree Planting Day got approved yesterday! I'm really excited. We are making it a free event. I'm not against EF making profit... I mean I really appreciate being paid... but I think this is going to create a more community centered environment for the program. I also sometimes get really bogged down by the business side of EF, and this is just a nice burst of excitement and motivation for me!

The basic plan is for us to have an evening where we will all work together to create a big list of little things we can all do for the environment (the little small stars will have their own work to do in a few other classrooms), make posters about those tips on recycled paper, plant flower and vegetable seeds in recycled yogurt containers and then have a naming contest for the one tree that we are going to be able to plant at the school. I am also trying to find a guest speaker! If I was at home that wouldn't be a problem, but here it is a bit more of a challenge, especially being lost in translation!

I made some posters today with the help of my friend Sue who helped me translate them into Chinese and got them up around the school. I have a feeling this is going to be chaotic and fun!


  1. This is so Oregontastic, Becky! Sounds so fun and GOOD for the community! Namaste, friend. :)
