Monday, March 28, 2011


I received my passport back by courier today at school. I opened it up to discover that EF decided that they were kicking me out of the country on May 31st. My last day of work is May 30th. I'm upset that they didn't give me any sort of cushion. It was still a bit of shock to see it written down. Cindy and Miles promised to help shove my crying self back on the plane.

I had two small star classes this evening. The first one was a bit chaotic. It was a life club lesson and the students got to watch the "Singing In the Rain" movie clip, create umbrellas and make their own dance to a song. It didn't go so well... The kids started using their umbrellas as toy guns... It wasn't too pretty. My next class was so easy after that. I only had two little boys and we used blocks to build structure and count the number of blocks they used.

A lot of the teachers had some rough classes this evening. I had a little debrief session with Sabrina, Cindy and Miles who all had some rough moments since they have all started new classes on Mondays recently. Cindy has a student who eats paper. Miles has a rather larger child who enjoys sitting on the other children. Poor Sabrina has a class of all blue small star boys where all she did for the whole class period was removing them from climbing up on the tables in the classroom. Cindy talked about how they must have been trying to find freedom. The thought of a little three year old boy running to the little table and proudly standing on it, pumping his chubby fist in the air and screaming "Freedom" in Chinese just cracked me up. I totally lost it for the rest of the evening!

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