Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bartholomew, Meet Quacklin

Today, Annie and I started the day by calling our friend Meghan who lives in Reno to say "Hello." She was celebrating the beginning of her Spring Break. She was really surprised! It was fun.

We started the day at the Temple of Heaven. Today, I brought along Bartholomew and he met Annie's friend, Quacklin, the duck. I think it is the start of a beautiful friendship. I hadn't been to the Temple of Heaven since late last Spring so it looks a lot different in the Winter. There were tons of people out today. It was fun to be out on a real weekend!

Next, we went to Confucius's Temple. It still surprises me how peaceful that temple makes me feel. I think it has something to do with all the trees and the birds. Bartholomew enjoyed hanging out in the magical ink well!

Then, we walked around the Lama Temple Hutong neighborhood for a bit checking out some of the little shops and took pictures. We had dinner at the Vineyard with Cindy. Cindy and Annie got along really well, which was very fun.

It was a bit colder today, but no sandstorms! Tomorrow we are off to the Lama Temple and the 798 art district!

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