Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Shiny: A Trip to Beijing's Rodeo Drive

I went to meet up with Cindy and a few of her friends in a neighborhood I have never been to for dinner and shopping. I had gotten a bit lost on the subway and was running late, so I told Cindy I would try to find the shopping center on my own. I was so surprised to walk out of the subway and find high end fashion store window displays. It really was like the Rodeo Drive of Beijing. There were lots of window displays showing beautiful gowns.

We had a nice dinner at a beautiful restaurant. The name translated into English was "The Spicy Grandma." Too funny!

We did a bit of window shopping. Cindy was hoping I would be excited to go shopping at a Gap store, but I sadly disappointed her by telling her I never shopped there at home. It was a fun way to spend the evening.

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