Monday, February 28, 2011

Call In The Tooth Fairy

Yesterday morning began with a beautiful new dusting of snow and a great small star moment. I was beginning my first class with our normal circle time where the students write their names on the board and we ask each other "How are you?" At one point, one little boy, named Disel, reared back his arm to give me a strong high five when he accidentally elbowed the boy sitting next to him, named Kevin, in the jaw and one of Kevin's loose teeth exploded gracefully out of his mouth and flew about a good two feet away from him on the floor. It was spectacular. Luckily, it was a loose tooth! Kevin was so happy! He went to show his grandpa while the rest of the little ones shared with me how many loose teeth they had! Kevin came back into the room and I wrote "Yeah! I lost my tooth today!" on a sticker. He loved it. He also showed his immense appreciation to Disel the rest of the class period. He kept hugging Disel and shaking his hand. It was precious!

Yesterday afternoon, I taught a final lesson 20 open door class for my oldest group of students. Laura also filmed it in order to observe me teach with the parents in the room. The young women did such a great job presenting what they had learned in front of their families. I got a little teary when I gave out their awards and talked about how they have grown over the course of the class. I will continue to be their teacher for their next class, though, and I am super excited about that.

Tonight, after classes, I went out for tea with Cindy and Marie. When I got back to my place, Cindy sent me a text to tell me that the Oscars were being played on CCTV. I just got to watch the last 20 minutes. It was in English, but it was fun seeing the movie stars names in Chinese!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you got to see the best part of the Oscars! You will LOVE "The King's Speech"! Such an incredible movie!
