Sunday, March 27, 2011

Caution: Little Fingers Wielding Sharp Objects

I walked into this weekend full of classes pretty unprepared because I didn't work a full week the previous one with Annie in town. I was doing a lot of last minute lesson planning... so it wasn't my greatest teaching weekend, but I still had some fun with my classes.

On Saturday, I was able to teach the Star Trek Life Club I had written almost two months ago for the first time. It turned out pretty well and the students had fun creating their own crew of people from different countries and planets. It's one of the lessons I can see myself taking into future teaching jobs.

I went to the gym yesterday after work and got stalked by two little small stars while I was on the treadmill! Gotta love working in the same neighborhood you work in!

Today, I taught the second lesson to my small star blues class. It was a pretty rough class with one little boy screaming his lungs out before even entering the classroom... you know it's bad when other teachers walk by your door and offer sympathetic, but grateful that they are not you right now smiles. I successfully (and hopefully with some tact) was able to convince a grandmother to change her grandson's English name from "Brain" to "Brian." This time, I only had one grandmother and one mother stay in for the class. I hope next weekend I'll be able to get them out the door before the class starts. The little students had to use scissors today and for many of them it was their first time wielding the little tools. The class turned into Scissors 101. I decided to call this lesson a success since their was no blood or any children running with scissors. I have a feeling this class was brought into my life to teach me a bit of patience and the importance of the basics!

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