Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I've been feeling a little homesick lately. The pollution has just been really gross the last few days. The sun was glowing hazy red this afternoon. People are wearing face masks and EF and the U.S. Embassy have suggested that people stay in as much as possible until the pollution level gets a little more normal. Not so fun. I do feel bad complaining about it though. It's just rude to talk about my friends' country like that, and also I know I am lucky to be in this country right now compared to some other countries who are really in pain. Still, it makes me feel sad.

I have been waiting for a package from my Mom, and I stopped in at work today and it was there waiting for me. I was so happy! It was like a little bit of home was sent my way right when I needed it!

I also have been looking into joining a yoga studio in Beijing. I've looked at the different guides and websites for awhile, but I've just never gone for it. Today, I decided to go for it. I was taking a lot of yoga classes at home before I left for Beijing, and I have missed it. I took a taxi to a studio called Yoga Yard. I was trying to figure out how to get there by subway, but it looked so confusing. The taxi driver dropped me off at a restaurant called "The Olive" and I just started walking around trying to find a sign for the Yoga Yard. I was praying that I didn't have to cross the obnoxiously busy street to get to the other side. Luckily, I turned a corner and started to see a few posters about the studio. An observant guard noticed me staring back and forth between my copy of The Beijinger's Guide and the posters and he motioned me to follow him. He lead me around another corner and pointed to an elevator that took me up to the studio. I've been pretty lucky with people helping me get to where I want to go here.

The studio is pretty small. There is a little front room, two small studio rooms, and both a men's and women's locker rooms. I took 1-2 Level class this evening. There was about six people in the class, a mix of foreigners and locals. The instructor spoke in English and then Chinese. I read that there are instructors that will speak Chinese and then English, and some that speak either English or Chinese. There was a nice water fixture in the room so we could hear water running nicely. The class was 90 minutes and it was definitely at an appropriate level for me. It felt really good to be back in a yoga class and I hope to go maybe once or week or so in the future.

A few people in the lobby helped direct me to the subway after class. I just had to turn a corner and walk forward for about 15 minutes. One man warned me that when I get to the golden arches of McDonalds I should see that station momentarily! I got back to my neighborhood okay with only a few uncomfortable moments of wielding my yoga mat into unsuspecting bystanders on the subway!

Namaste, everyone!


  1. Wow...another adventure accomplished! You are so brave. Glad you are enjoying the Yoga Yard...sounds like a very special place with lots of ambiance!

  2. So glad you went for it today and found a yoga studio! :) It's sad you didn't do it earlier, but that's ok! Oh, and about the pollution- ew.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you for the support, you two! Namaste!
