Saturday, February 26, 2011

Young Small Stars Love

I woke up to snow! I knew it was cold last night! We only got a few inches and now it is all slush on the roads or ice on the sidewalks!

My favorite part of my day today was in my second small star class of the morning. This class is a healthily excited class, but they have a hard time between transitions. I was asking the students to make a line behind me when the craziness began. One little boy, Andy, accidentally pushed down a little girl named Lucy. He was just trying to get to the front of the line, but he hadn't meant to hurt her at all. Lucy was just fine and wasn't even upset. However, another boy, JJ, who is a bit sweet on Lucy took it as a threat. He started going nuts running around the room screaming about how no one pushes his girl down in Chinese. Andy stood there just shocked, and Lucy was very blase about it. I eventually cornered JJ between a few little tables, and held him by the shoulders and told him that it was all okay, and that Lucy was just fine, and he needed to calm down. He looked up at me so sweetly and said, "Ok," and for a moment, I thought I had his attention. After about a twenty second pause, JJ started going crazy again, and didn't really calm down until I had dismissed the class. I was able to tell JJ's mom about what happened, and she thought it was pretty great that he was defending the Lucy's honor, even though she wasn't too crazy about how he disrupted the class. It was one of those moments when the child is just too cute, and you want to laugh, which I did, but you need to keep it together a bit to show them that their actions are not the most appropriate.

So stay tuned for more Small Stars Love Triangle gossip...


  1. This story is hilarious!

    We had a smidge of snow in Portland on Thursday, too! (and of course, a smidge of snow means a snow day).

  2. Thanks, Laf! I have a feeling it's a story I'm going to be sharing a lot. It's so good. Hope you had a fun snow day.

  3. What an adorable story "defending" his girl's honor! Seems that is a lesson the rest of the world could learn from, considering the vast oppression of women that exists. This is a precious memory of your time in China.
