Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Good Day for a Snow Day

I woke up to another layer of snow this morning. I really wanted it to be a snow day, but I had some stars to teach this morning! It's usually super quiet in my apartment complex on Sunday mornings when I leave for work around 8. My favorite sight today was all of the security/ staff shoveling and sweeping the walkways around our apartment building in their long black coats. I followed one pair of footprints all the way to work.

It was pretty quiet at work today. We had pretty low attendance due to the snow and people still visiting relatives for the Spring Festival. I told one of my older classes that is just all girls about the real story of St. Valentine... well the Emperor Claudius version!

Tonight, as I walked to the gym, I noticed that all the roads are pretty clear by the sidewalks are snowy and icy. It looks like we won't be getting any more snow this week.

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