Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Post Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! I attempted to write a post yesterday, but my Internet was being so slow!

Valentine's Day is not a big thing in China. I only saw one display of Valentine's style flowers at a grocery store yesterday. China has it's own Valentine's Day in September. It was actually refreshing to not be bombarded with awful jewelry commercials and big store displays.

I didn't celebrate Valentine's Day at work, but I did bring in doughnuts to celebrate Oregon's birthday! I drew an awful map of the state with landmarks and put it up above the doughnuts. It cracked me up at least.

After classes last night, I went to have tea and some snacks with Cindy and Ray, one of the customer relations staff members to celebrate our singleness. We had a good time.


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  2. 1) Woah there, Teuvo.
    2) Colleen- I love you for making your coworkers celebrate Oregon's birthday! :)
