Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pepper: Entering the Year of the Rabbit

I have a special little buddy hanging out with me this next week. Her name is Pepper and she is a Marie and King's little rabbit. I'm pet sitting while they go and visit King's family for Spring Festival. The poor thing was traumatized from the very loud walk from their apartment complex to mine. Marie brought her over right before we had to go to work today. I've been letting her hop around the apartment tonight as I watched TV and she seems to be adjusting quite well to her new environment. I'll be entering the year of the rabbit with a rabbit visitor. That has to bring me good luck!

Even though Tuesday is my normal day off, they made us all come in for four hours today since we get the next seven days off. I actually got a lot of planning done which will help future me out! My boss made us all walk down to the bank to take out enough money for the next week since they won't be adding more money into the machines for the next week or so! Can you imagine if the U.S. started doing that? I walked over to the gym tonight after work, but I guess they decided to close a day earlier than what the sign had read. I went to do some grocery shopping, and noticed how much quieter Beijing has gotten in the last few days, at least in my neighborhood. Usually the grocery store is very crowded in the evenings, but tonight it was pretty quiet.

I'm stoked to have seven days off work in a row! I'm really excited to not wear my work uniform for seven days! Tomorrow night is New Year's Eve!

I received a list of predictions for all the Chinese astrological signs for the year of the rabbit. I'm a Dog. I guess I have some big choices this year... Enjoy!

For you, romance is the focus. Either your current relationship will take on a reinvigorated headiness or, rat singletons, you will find your pulse racing in the arms of Mr or Miss Right. Carry or wear something purple at all times but keep it hidden.
This year, you will make important discoveries, acquire new skills and deepen your knowledge. Keep a lavender pouch in your pocket whenever you travel by powered vehicle - basically anything other than a push bike, rowing boat or skateboard.
This is your year to relax, take time to reflect, replenish your energy, go to a spa, eat a Flake, tackle that pile of good books. Hang a 'hundred blessing' picture in your living room where guests will see it when they visit.
Take a long hard look at your physical activities. Are you doing enough? Are you doing too much? Do you really enjoy the gym? Or would you prefer to join some kind of team sport, like football or basketball? Keep an item that reminds you of your childhood in a drawer or cupboard that you open most days.
This will be a stunningly profitable year with lots of money-making opportunities but you'll have to look for them in the strangest of places. Attend more social functions and parties.
Not a good year to make business investments. If you must, approach with extreme caution. Place an object of blue glass somewhere near a window, ideally where it can diffract some sunlight.
Watch out for tricksters and scam artists, as there will be plenty trying to con you this year. Put a laughing Buddha statue on your desk at work.
This is your year for charitable donations and/or compassionate acts and volunteering. Hang something that's been hollowed out and dried (coconut, gourd, etc) at the hinge side of your front door.
This will be very rewarding year for you if you are in the PR business or a high-profile job. If your job is not so public, you will earn the respect from an uncooperative colleague. Place the smallest denomination coin from your native land head-up next to your bed.
Your valuables are prone to be damaged or even stolen this year, so take particular care of them. Place a jar of dessicated ginseng in the bottom of your wardrobe.
You have some big life decisions to make, probably that you've been avoiding. This is the year to make them - all of them. Keep something gold on the left-hand side of your desk at work.
Watch your health, as there are more chances of you falling ill when tired. Review your diet and make sure you sleep enough. Place a piece of quartz (any colour) in the most south-easterly corner of your home.


  1. I like these horoscopes. The items to keep close are intriguing....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ... I have to go find me a laughing Buddha!

  4. Hmmm... Colleen, what decisions do I need to make??

  5. Guess I need to find a " hundred blessings" picture for the living room! Getting your dad to carry something purple at all times might be a bit more challenging though, lol!
