Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Back to Reality

A few more Old Summer Palace pictures...

Today was definitely a back to reality day! It began with an early wake up to get to my Chinese class. The subway wasn't as crowded as usual, which was nice, but there were a lot of people with huge bags and suitcases making their way back home... or at least to their Beijing home. There was only four of us in class so I got to practice a lot and ask lots of questions. The class is really too advanced for me, but I try. My poor instructor will ask me a question and I'll just say, "I have no idea about what you are talking about!" I'm just trying to figure out how to count still!

I went into work today for just four hours this afternoon. It was nice to see everyone and I got a lot of lesson planning done. A lot of our normal classes have been canceled for this week, so it's given us a bit of a breather and the opportunity to plan ahead a bit.

I went to to the gym after work. It was the first day it was open again after the festival, and it was pretty quiet. The gym has very large windows and I got to watch a great fireworks show as I was on the treadmill. That was a first!

Tonight, I had to say good-bye to Pepper. Marie and King picked her up tonight. I'll miss having her around, but I am glad my apartment will smell a little less rabbit-y.

I have my fingers crossed because we are on the radar of getting some PRECIPITATION! We've seriously lacked moisture in the rain since the great rain of October! I'm hoping for a little snow!

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