Thursday, February 10, 2011

My First Magical Beijing Snow

I woke up to the sound of shovels scrapping snow off the walkway in my complex. It must have snowed about three to four inches last night. We had snow flurries on and off all day until about 6:00 this evening. It was really beautiful and the streets were much quieter. Tonight, I noticed that some of the streets have been plowed as I walked to the gym after work. Walking home I noticed that everything is getting icy. I've heard that it is suppose to turn to ice by tomorrow morning and then we should be getting some more snow tomorrow, and then it should start warming back up on Saturday.

Everyone at work was feeling a little giddy over the snow! It was really fun catching people staring out the window at the flurries. Since our teachers' office and most of our classrooms do not have windows, it was a bit of an event when someone walked past one and shouted out "It's still snowing!"

I had two small star classes this evening and both classes only had four students in them. I took a tally and only one little girl told me that she made a snowperson!


  1. It looks very beautiful. I especially like the red lights/sign in the snow. Enjoy the moisture and be careful walking on the "boo-boo's" allowed!

  2. so cool! Literally! Glad you snapped some pictures. I bet Beijing is a totally different place under a blanket of snow! :) And, I agree with mom- no boo-boo's allowed!

  3. Thanks! No boo-boos so far! Fingers crossed that it'll stay that way!
