Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thunder and Lightening and Narnia

I woke up in the middle of the night to a huge clap of thunder that scared me! I got up and watched the show from my window until I got sleepy again. The weather yesterday was pretty humid and it looked like it was going to rain all day. I woke up today to a drizzly sky, but it grew into an absolutely beautiful Spring Beijing day.

Today was the first teaching day for me back at my school. I now really appreciate my seven minute walk to work and the extra two hours of my day that I had because I wasn't at Beijing 2!

The school is still pretty disheveled, and if it was an American school or day care, there would be no way the school would be open to students/children! There is still a lot that needs to be fixed and there are still pretty dangerous tools around. Today, workers were replacing light bulbs everywhere and we were all ducking around the school hoping to not get anything dropped on our heads! All of our basic materials have found homes, but a lot of our own personal resources have no place to go. Right now I am sharing a little cubby space with both Miles and Nick for all of our supplies.

Before the remodel, the classrooms where all named after cities that EF has schools in such as London, New York, Rome, Cambridge, Los Angelos, Boston, Beijing, etc... Now, they are all adjectives such as magic(al), fantastic, laugh, courage... We knew that the rooms were getting new names but James, Ryan and I had imagined all the rooms named after science fiction/fantasy planets and ships... Narnia, Hoth, Enterprise, Millennium Falcon, the Shire, Serenity, etc... We lost!

My two small star classes were fun and it felt like we hadn't been away for the last three weeks!

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