Saturday, May 28, 2011


I have been busy writing good-bye letters the past few days to my friends that I work with. I just wanted to make sure that I was able to say everything I wanted to say to them even if I can't do it myself if I start crying.

I feel so lucky that I have been able to be on this journey with so many wonderful people who have taught me so much more about the world then I knew before. I know I will be coming back to the states a changed person and I am so lucky to have people in my life in Beijing that care about me and want what's best for me.

In a few of my letters, I just couldn't express how grateful I am to meet them and become their friend. Words just don't cut it sometime, but I had to try my best to say what I needed to say.

I only taught one class today. It was one of my High Flyer classes. We attempted to create a video on waste management. I brought out the dress up bins and the kids had way more fun playing dress up then actually doing their work. We barely got through the objectives I set for the class period, but part of me just wanted to have fun with them, which I did. Otherwise, I spent today trying to get all my administration work caught up. I don't want to leave anyone with any of my work.

I've been trying to take in all the little moments. My Mom told me when I was younger that when you really want to remember something you should close your eyes and tell yourself to remember the moment and that you usually remember it more clearly. I know that I have quite a few of those type of moments stored away because I followed her advice. I'm have been trying to do that this weekend as I take in the craziness of my crowded little school and staff room for one final weekend.

I only have two more days of work left. It sill hasn't hit me yet that this is really it. Maybe it will hit on Thursday when everyone else is at work and I'm on "vacation." Maybe it won't really hit until I go home.

All I really know is that I am one lucky girl

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