Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dumplings Anyone?

Marie and I took the long subway and bus journey to our friend's Sabrina's home this morning. It took us about an hour and 45 minutes to get to her place. i can't believe Sabrina has that commute every day to and from work!

Sabrina and her sister taught us how to make dumplings today! We made egg and leek dumplings. I learned how to make the dough and the filling and how to cook them and everything! It does take a few hours to get everything accomplished! Cindy arrived later in the afternoon for our late feast of a lunch. We had gotten some snacks and Marie's boyfriend had made a few dishes for us, too. We had a delicious meal and a good visit. Their apartment is pretty big, too, and they had a real kitchen table. It was really very kind of the girls to have us over and they were excellent teachers!

I can't wait to make dumplings at home!


  1. I can't wait for you to make dumplings at home either!!!

  2. I SO KNEW mom would make that comment! Haha! Also, I agree with her! And I want to learn how to make them too! Looking forward to it!

  3. I'll make some for you and Laura!
