Monday, May 2, 2011

Ryan's Birthday Dinner

Tonight, a few of us from work gathered for dinner to celebrate Ryan's 30th birthday party. We had delicious food and talked about how the remodel is going at our school. We talked a little bit about the news about the death of Osama Bin Laden. A few people were saying how on Chinese news a few of the announcers were accidentally saying that President Obama was dead. Osama/Obama... one can understand the mix up. It's been a little surreal thinking about how this huge story that was breaking in the US this morning Beijing time actually happened in one of China's bordering countries.

After dinner, we walked over to the school were workers are, I'm sure, still working on some last minute details. The teaching staff is going in tomorrow to start moving resources, and then a few small star classes will resume on Wednesday evening if all goes as planned. The school is looking pretty shiny. Laura's office is now back in the teacher's office and is all glassed in so she is going to feel like a zoo animal! I feel bad about that! They put in long glass windows on the doors of both the male and female bathrooms which is going to be a bit unpleasant, especially for the gentlemen because everyone walks right past their bathroom! The paint is now pretty shades of blue and green and now every classroom has an interactive white board which is pretty exciting. Too bad they didn't do this earlier in the year so I could appreciate teaching in such a pretty school, but I'll just have to enjoy it for the month I have left. I hope to take some pictures to show you tomorrow!


  1. Glass windows in a BATHROOM? WHAT were they thinking? At first I thought they might not have realized they were bathrooms...but the toilets should have "given it away", right? ODD....

  2. I know! It's not cool! EF has some issues with bathrooms... but at least we have some in our school!
