Saturday, May 14, 2011

Lost in the In-Between

Transitions have always been hard for me. I would think that I would start getting better about them as I've gotten older and that I have spent a lot of my twenties transitioning from one place to another, from one job or school to another, but it's still hard.

I'm stuck in this in-between place right now.

At work, I'm training other teachers to take over my classes, which is great and odd at the same time. I feel lucky that I've gotten to meet the teacher who is replacing me and I can tell her about the history of the class and the strengths and weaknesses of the students. It's nice to know that it's not some random person, but an experienced teacher.

I still don't know what I'll be doing after I finish EF. I kind have been hoping to have some kind of job to come home to, but that's looking less and less like it will happen. I also have some travel ideas forming, but we'll see...

I know that everything is going to be okay, but I'm a sea of emotions, like when I go through all the feelings the little small stars can answer the question "How are you?" with!

I know with time that this, too, shall pass and I should just enjoy the ride.

Here's a few moments from this ride as of late!

-One of my higher level classes teaching my boss the importance of bringing her own set of chopsticks to a restaurant instead of using the disposable ones during her class's presentation today. So awesome!
-Non stop giggling over tea at a pizza hut with Cindy and Joyce Thursday night
-My favorite small star class giving me genuine hugs after they were told that I was going back to the U.S. Little Leo kept asking when would I be coming back...
-A crazy mother telling me that the computer was a better teacher than I was...
-Sending out my high flyer class into the school to ask English speaking adults about their favorite old school proverbs...Seriously... who wrote these text books! Listening to Nick and Ryan explain their choices for their favorite proverbs was pretty great... "I don't like getting up early and I don't want to be eaten." "I think it is important that you don't always stay with people just like you." Good sports.
-Waking up early to call employment opportunities at home and thinking about how they are just getting ready to go home yesterday!

And finally, drum roll please....

-An old dude smoking a cigarette in the gym!


  1. Changes and transitions are always tough. But they are the truest form of learning and growing. Often painful, but once completed you feel so acccomplished and renewed. Then you are ready for the next never stops and we probably really wouldn't want it to stop. I am so proud of you!

  2. I am also so proud of you. As much as I envy the shoes you're in, I don't know if I could handle being in them gracefully. You're amazing and lucky and leading what seems like a pretty fulfilling life. I applaud you, my friend. ♥
