Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Last Day at Starfish

Today was my last day at Starfish. I decided that since I only have a few weeks left in Beijing, I need to use my Wednesdays for a few last minute adventures and take care of moving matters. It seems like it was the perfect day for me to say good-bye. One of the women in my intermediate class left a few weeks ago to live with her boyfriend in the South. My other intermediate student, Wang Fei, had been taking tests to prepare her to go to school in Russia. I was scheduled to tutor my beginner student today, but when i arrived, so was so exhausted she did not want a class. Luckily, Wang Fei was around and we had some time to catch up. I had written her a letter because I thought I wouldn't get the chance to talk to her in person, but luckily I was able to tell her what I wanted to tell her in person. We both talked about our big life transitions. Wang Fei is leaving Starfish after three years of living in the shelter and working for the company. Today was her last day at Starfish and she will be moving out of the shelter at the end of May. She will be starting school in Russia in August. I'm glad I got to have my last experience at Starfish just chatting with her. I hope that we will be able to stay friends over e-mail.

I talked to the director at Starfish for a bit and she asked me to share what I have learned about the women at Starfish and their spirit with my friends at home. She gave me a blue starfish necklace and helped me take pictures with the women that were there today. I left pretty teary.

Tutoring at Starfish gave the opportunity to learn a little more about China outside of the EF bubble that I normally found myself in. I will be always grateful to my fellow Quaker, Jennifer, for introducing me to the women at Starfish, and giving me a different lens to see Beijing in. The women that I have met at Starfish have taught me so much about making changes in your life with joy and a lot of hard work. They have inspired me.

Tonight, I came home to a prostitution advertisement hanging on my door handle like I do a few times every week. I'm glad that Starfish is around.


  1. What a memorable and meaningful experience, not to mention, life-changing. You are a very special woman, Colleen!

  2. Thank you, Sandra, that means a lot to me. It was a gift to have some time with those women.
