Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Great Clean

We arrived back at our school at 10 this morning. The workers were still working away, but we had a lot of cleaning to do! However, we had absolutely zero supplies and they wanted us to just use dish soap to clean up the tables, chairs and desks! I was sent to the Lotus to fill up on cleaning supplies, including tons of cloths and sprays and cleaning gloves. I got back and worked with Joyce and Ryan to disinfect the teachers' office.

I left a bit after noon to go home to shower and eat lunch before taking the subway back to Beijing 2 to substitute for a teacher on holiday. The school was still looking pretty chaotic, but things were getting cleaned. I think it'll look really pretty on Thursday when I get back from my day off.

I taught a big, but fun young elementary class this evening at Beijing 2. The students were learning greetings and the difference between "a" and "an" today.

Cindy also had to substitute at Beijing 2 today so we went out for a sushi dinner and enjoyed that Wang Fu Jing neighborhood for our last day of working there. I'm glad I got the opportunity to get to now a different neighborhood well!

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