Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Very Roddy Christmas!

Today was a fun, but long day at work! I was just too excited. Luckily, I didn't have to teach the last session of classes for the day and got to play dress up instead to get ready for the EF Christmas party. One of the TAs played hairdresser for me!

Almost directly after the last classes of the day ended, we were ushered onto a nice bus to take us to the hotel where we had the Christmas party. It was about a forty minute bus ride, but it was merry.

We got to the hotel and it was all dressed up as beautiful, classy Winter Wonderland! It was so pretty. They had huge gingerbread houses that even had their own lights! The families were escorted into a banquet hall to start the festivities right away, but the teachers and customer relations staffs from Beijing 1, 3, and 5 led into a beautiful dining hall where we were able to have a nice Christmas buffet Chinese style. Sadly, the food wasn't that tasty, but the company was lovely.

After dinner, Stephanie, Joyce, Nick and I meandered around the hotel talking cheesy pictures. Then, we headed into the banquet hall with all the EF families.

The festivities had been rolling for maybe 30 minutes when we got in, and it was mass chaos like I had expected, but truly feel- good mass chaos. I got to chat with my students and their families as the talented show went on. It was really, really warm in the room though. The children were mostly all dressed to the nines in pretty Christmas dresses and little suits. It was too cute. Students sang songs, played musical instruments, did yo-yo tricks, and we even had a kung fu show that stole the show. The teachers from my school got to go up and sing a rousing rendition of "Jingle Bells." Most of us had microphones and we went around and let the kids sing into them for a moment like rock stars. The evening ended with lots of slender santas giving away presents to all the children. Each child received a stuffed rabbit. Next year is the year of the Rabbit according to Chinese astrology.

I had an awesome moment standing in the back of the banquet hall. I just felt really lucky to be there and truly a part of the community. I have no clue where I will be this time next year, but right now I know this where I needed to be this year.

However, I am ready to go home for a visit! I have a little bit more packing to do, hopefully be able to fall asleep for a bit, and get on an early subway train to the airport!

Thank you for reading my blog this year, dear readers! I'll see you back in the blogosphere in the New Year!

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