Sunday, December 5, 2010

Duck Fever in Beijing

Have you ever described the University of Oregon/ Oregon State University "civil war" to an Englishman before? It sounds really ridiculous. I tried to explain the one sporting game that would actually make me look up the score between classes today. I guess they really don't do that kind of stuff in England... of course, they really don't do American football there, either. It made me wonder if there are any other Ducks out there in Beijing today?

No big news from my weekend here. A few of the teachers taught the Thanksgiving life club lesson that I planned and they told me they enjoyed it! There are now a few lovely trees of gratitude up around the school! I was really proud of my oldest class today. I showed them a Regis and Kelly interview of Emma Watson (the young woman who plays Hermoine in the Harry Potter movies.... the girls liked that she is pursuing her degree at Brown) and had them create their own scripts of entertainment interviews. I told them they could pretend to interview anyone in the world. One group interviewed a cartoon voice actor, two did an interview on Chinese pop singers and one group pretended to interview President Obama. They all were pretty fabulous.

Most of us teachers went out to dinner to officially celebrate Cindy's birthday! A few of the other girls and I have celebrated Cindy's birthday four times now! We went to the Korean restaurant. We got into trouble because we were laughing so loud at one point, and a waitress had to ask us to keep it down.... Whoops. It was a lot of fun, though!

It's been really cold here! I live in the "windy" part of the city, and that makes it feel colder. I'm hoping we'll get some snow soon to make up for the temperatures! The pathetic fact is that I know this is just the beginning of the coldness!


  1. We watched the Civil War game just for you, Colleen! Go DUCKS...they tromped the Beavers! Unfortunately, Gonzaga LOST (we were switching between games)to Illinois. More football to come...maybe you will be able to catch a LIVE telecast of something while you are home! Stay warm...the Grotto was VERY windy last night, I sympathize with you...but I do NOT prefer any snow, thank you very much :)

  2. Thanks, Sandra! Hope you enjoyed the game!
