Thursday, December 9, 2010

Horse Buggies and BMWs

My normal volunteer gig yesterday had to cancel because the women were off to a special presentation of their jewelry. I was left to my own devices. I didn't do too much, and it actually felt really restorative. I talked with Laura and my Mom, went grocery shopping, cleaned up a bit and hit the gym. I glanced out the window at the perfect moment while on the treadmill to see a horse buggy meandering in front of a BMW. Gotta just love Beijing sometimes!

Today, I went to work feeling more productive then I have in awhile. I had spent the two prior weekends either studying for a big work test and at the workshop last weekend. It was nice to have a work free weekend! I'm starting to think about getting all my lessons planned for my "substitutes" while I am home for Christmas!

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