Saturday, December 18, 2010

Old Grandpa Christmas's Sledge

I've been a busy, busy ELL teacher. I am all caught up with my grading and have all my lesson plans are planned for my holiday! I'm ready to go home for a holiday!

I had a fun day teaching today. I did a few Christmas activities with some of my elementary classes today. I had a class tell me what they thought about Christmas and it was adorable. One boy told me a story about old grandpa Christmas's sledge. Too cute. It's been an experience living in a place where the biggest Western holiday is not a big deal, or celebrated in such different ways.

Tomorrow's a big day in the EF world. The school is having it's first official Christmas party. They are busing all the students and their parents to a theater, along with the academic and customer relations staffs, to a theater. There, we will be watching the students' talent show. Formal dress is required. I can't wait!

Captain's Log: 1 Full Beijing Day to go!


  1. A student talent show will be awesome, I bet! Take pictures!

    Also, what is a sledge??

  2. He just kept saying Santa's Sledge instead of sled!
