Friday, December 10, 2010

Candy Thanksgiving Dinner

I woke up to some crazy wind today! I was thinking of going into work extra early, but listening to the wind left me to some productive procrastinating. There were huge clouds of brown dust just whipping past. I watched from my window as a little preschool aged one furiously trying to not take off in flight! I bought my roundtrip Amtrack ticket from Seattle to Portland this morning. I only have ten more days until my holiday! I am so excited.

Eventually, I needed to get to work to get some lesson plans done. I felt like I was battling the wind to just cross the street. I went to the bank and paid my water bill, and it only took 2o minutes, which is a banking miracle.

Work was good today. I got a lot of lesson plans done and we had an interesting meeting. We learned that for our school's Christmas party for the kids on the 19th we are expected to dress formally and are being bused from the school to a big theater. It's going to be interesting....

I received a package from my Dad and Joanna today. They sent me a candy Thanksgiving dinner. It was an awesome surprise! I shared some of it with my friends at work. The candy fruits were the biggest hit, Joanna!

I started a new course level with a group of elementary students that I have been teaching since I arrived in May. I had them help me write a class contract, almost directly stealing from the cabin constitutions that Outdoor School does. I had the students write out our finished product on their own special sheets of paper and we all signed each other's contracts. I shook hands with all the students to make it really official. It went so well, and I was really proud of how mature they took the responsibility.

Tonight, I went out for a very late dinner with Miles, Laura and Claire at the Korean barbeque place. We decided on a "tacky" theme for our New Year's Eve party. I think it will be fun.

1 comment:

  1. should become the official Party Planner! Sounds like lots of fun. I am glad the school helps the children learn about and practice the Western Holidays. will be on that Amtrak train SOON!!! YES!!!
