Friday, December 3, 2010

Birthday Fairy

I am the birthday fairy at work and today we were going to celebrate James and Cindy's birthdays. I went to the grocery store to have a wander to see what would be an interesting treat for all of us at work and I found doughnuts! It was very exciting. I was able to get a dozen in a variety of flavors. I was also searching for something to eat for lunch and they had a big tray of microwaveable lunches. I picked up one that looked like Chinese food that I would eat at home! It was pretty good. It was a little strange eating Chinese food that reminded me of home!

We had a very, very long meeting at work today. The production manager of all of Beijing was at our school yesterday to complete the school's yearly audit. Laura talked to us about things that went well and things that didn't go so well. We all had been taken aback a bit yesterday because the production manager said that we all were not working enough hours and that most of us were only teaching enough hours to add up to a part time teacher. We told Laura we had thought that was really unfair since most of us put in a good ten to twenty hours outside of the 40 hours that we are scheduled to teach.

The only fun part of the meeting was that I had gotten everyone's permission to have a secret santa for the month of December! We are all going to leave little presents around for our secret santa. I'm pretty excited about it.

I taught a tiny class of two this evening of one of my favorite classes. We created our own future time lines and had a pretty good time.

Stephanie and Joyce had made a cake at a bakery for Cindy's birthday, and a few of us went after work to a restaurant across the street from the school. We had dinner and the wait staff were kind enough to let us light candles and everything. Cindy's dinner was on the house and they played a few different instrumental versions of "Happy Birthday" for her. It was fun to just to hang out after a rough meeting.


  1. Ok, yeah, that is CRAP that he would say you're not working enough hours! WTH!? I'm glad you said something to Laura after the meeting. It's too bad you couldn't say something directly to him. How insulting! At least YOU know that you're working hard enough and at enough hours!
