Friday, October 8, 2010


So there's really no such thing as a smog alert in Beijing, but today it would be like Code Toxic or something like that if there was one. It was so nasty outside and it felt like I was just walking through it. I was one of the first ones into work today and it was a little funny watching all the other teachers walk in just grossed out by the status of our sky, but a little sad, too.

I went back to the International Bank today and waited for two hours as the line went from A037 to A047. I had ticket number A107. I should have just walked right out earlier when I saw someone being carried out on a stretcher. The crowd was restless and bank workers were constantly shouting things in Chinese to the waiting customers. I had suspected I would be waiting at least an hour today due to the recent week of holidays, but I had not expected it to be that slow. At least I had a good book to read. I shall try again tomorrow.

The American teachers at work today had our first big meeting about the Halloween party we are in charge of. We are going to have one night for the little small stars and another night for the older students. All that time in Octobers past as an RA and a Program Leader at Outdoor School working on Halloween parties and Haunted House in orderly chaos have given me an advantage here. I'm excited to show the students, many who have never celebrated Halloween before, a fun time! It's going to be a lot of work for the next few weeks though.


  1. That sounds like fun. I remember with fond memories the halloween hunted house we did the year we were RAs together :) MISS YOU MY DEAR!

  2. That was some Halloween weekend, wasn't it! I miss you, too, Meghan!
