Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Hello 28

My birthday was pretty uneventful today, but I appreciated being in a new place. I really appreciated being able to go to a job that I really like, unlike last year where I was driving around forever to find a place to nanny out, getting lost, and having to deal with a stressed out parent.

The attendance in my classes were very low due to the holiday. All the students in China go back to school on Friday to start making up for their days off of school. My last class of the day is a higher level class that has Grace in it. Today was lovely because it was just Grace, another younger boy around her age and one of the older girls. It was nice to see the older student just relax and enjoy talking and completing activities with the two younger students and letting herself be a little silly. I enjoy all of the students in this class, but it was nice to see a few of them enjoying class in a new way.