Sunday, October 3, 2010

Quiet Weekend

Not too much to report on from this weekend after my festive National Day. It felt really odd to not be at work during a true "weekend." I spent yesterday cleaning up my dirty apartment. I even dusted! I also cooked up enough food for a few meals. I caught up on a few television shows from home, too.

Today, I went over to investigate the new mall in my neighborhood. It's truly a huge monstrosity of a building and looks like it should be in outer space. I explored all seven floors, but wasn't too interested in any of the shops. There was a huge grand opening that I missed out on last week while I was sick. There is a tiny grocery store in the basement that carries olives and black beans! Yum! I then took the subway to Sanlitun for a pedicure and bought a few movies to watch. It was a bit of a restorative weekend.

Captain's Log: 21 Weeks!

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