Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Good-Bye 27

Today was the last day of my National Day holiday break. It was so awesome to have five days off in a row. I haven't had that much time off of work since I can't even remember! Of course, this is the first time in my life I've had a truly steady job since I graduated from U of O.

I attempted to do some International banking today, but when I got to the bank, I learned that it was close for some sort of revamping of their computer system. I took the opportunity to enjoy a green tea latte at Starbucks and read some of the book that I brought along with me. I was able to pick out five different languages while I was reading: Mandarin, Korean, French, Spanish and English!

I tried to go to work to do some lesson planning, but no one was there even though I had been told it was going to be open. I have a few of my text books at home, but not all, so tomorrow will be a little hectic! I went to the gym to resign up for another month which is often a huge production that takes about five people and a lot of crazy gestures and stamping of random papers! The gym had been closed the last four days, but it was completely empty except for me and the dude that sells some crazy protein drink powder.

I went back to the new grocery store and picked up a can of Spanish olives, a few cans of garbonzo beans and tempeh! I also found what looked like real soy milk! Most of the soy milk here is in bags and is usually grape or blueberry or strawberry flavor. I've been buying what I think is low fat cow's milk, but the date stamped on it is from the day it was brought to the store, so having soy milk is a nice alternative.

Not the most interesting way to end my twenty-seventh year, but still a good day!

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