Saturday, October 23, 2010

Halloween Countdown...

I've been pretty swamped at work the last few days. The Halloween party is taking up a lot of time. I was up late last night making entrance tickets for both parties. I sure went through a ton of Roddy stickers!

My classes have been all fun the last few days. I've tried to incorporate a Halloween arts and craft activity for all of my older classes. The students do not know much about Halloween except a vague idea of trick or treating. I've never realized that the United States is really one of the few countries that celebrates it in such a big way. We sold out all of our tickets for the "big kid" party on Friday night. I'm getting nervous about us being able to pull it off, but I'm hoping with a lot of hard work it will just fall into place like most events do.

Our boss, Laura, and our center director have been out of town all week because they are on an EF trip for all the schools' director of studies and customer relation managers. They were suppose to go on a cruise to Japan. We decided to look at where they were online on Thursday at work and learned that right before they were suppose to get on the ship something cracked the port of the boat wide open! Luckily, no one was hurt. We texted Laura to see where she was and EF got them to a resort in a city in China. I'm sure they will come back with lots of stories, but I know they must all be disappointed about not getting to see Japan. I would be sad.

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