Friday, October 15, 2010

Birthday/Halloween Care Packages!

I walked into the office today and there were two care packages waiting for me on the shelf! I was pretty excited. My Mom and Dad and Joanna sent me birthday presents and Halloween books and treats to share with my students. I'm pretty excited to share them with the kids! Thank you!

Today was a long, but productive day at work. We had a long teachers meeting and then my Halloween Party Planning Committee got together with the boss to talk about our progress. Ryan and I made flyers that are going up tomorrow and next weekend we will start selling tickets. We have so much work to do in two weeks time!

I had a parent/teachers conference for one of my elementary classes. For every class 15, the teacher is suppose to teach for one hour and then in the second hour, a TA takes over the class while they work on some assigned work while the teacher talks to the parents. I talked to six parents individually for about two hours! The parents were so excited to hear what I thought they could do to help their child succeed in learning English fluently. I had prepared suggestions for all the students, but I still felt a little unnerved by it. I felt a bit of a fraud as I've never studied how to teach ELL students and am not an expert in the least! Two of the parents and I were able to communicate in English with a little translation from Nina, one of the customer relation staff members. I had to rely on Nina for the other four parents. It was fun to match the child to the parent through their facial features. I feel that I was able to gain a little more knowledge about the students' home lives and personalities by my conversations with the parents. The parents' passion for their children's success makes me want to try harder as their teacher.

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