Friday, April 29, 2011

Cover Letters and Seafood Dinners

Today was my last "official" day at Beijing 2. I practically didn't do any work and I didn't feel too guilty about it. I went to the staff meeting and then had a late lunch out with Cindy, Miles and Vivian. I did get a bit of work done before asking Cindy and Miles to help me with a cover letter that I have been working on. They were both super helpful and helped me make my writing more concise. A few of the Beijing 2 teachers called out ideas. It become quite the group effort!

After work, I went grab a cup of coffee and wait for Vivian to get off work. Today was her birthday and she had invited me out to a Seafood restaurant with a bunch of her friends. Cindy and Miles couldn't make it and I was proud of myself for going out without someone from my school. I had dinner with a very diverse interesting group of people and there were lots of different languages floating across the table. We were in a Hutong neighborhood and we sat outside, right across from a public bathroom! Not a bad way to spend a Friday night.

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