Friday, April 22, 2011

Calling Holly Holiday

I've been enjoying playing the role of substitute at Beijing 2. Need a VIP teacher? Colleen! Need someone to take a class for someone whose Academic Hours are too high? Colleen! Need someone to cover your holiday leave? Colleen! Need someone to train the new teacher? Colleen

I think I'm being used.

I'm trying to have fun with it, though.

I've used Bruce Springsteen to talk about Of Mice and Men. I made a class of elementary students help me practice saying my numbers in Chinese. (They, of course, laughed hysterically at me). I had a 30 minute conversation with an upper elementary class about Earth Day and what we could do to help the planet. I even made them take an oath to be Earth Warriors, which totally cracked me up, but they were so sincere about it, it also made me so happy. Plus, I've gotten to pass on some of my good lesson plans with the new teacher, and she's working on making them work for her teaching style, and that's pretty awesome!

So, it hasn't been as easy as I thought it was going to be. The boss said I was just going to cover a class or two and get to do my own work...and I have a lot of that left to do... but it's refreshing to meet some new students and learn from other teachers.

Speaking of refreshing, we had a huge thunder and lightening and rain storm this afternoon! It was super cool! It's been pretty muggy the last few days, so it was a welcome weather activity! Beijing smells a little more spring-like to me now!

Happy Earth Day!

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