Friday, April 1, 2011

Rain and a Dinner Party

The sky looked like I was in Portland today! It actually hasn't rained in Beijing since October. It feels like such a treat. I have missed rain this year.

I had a pretty easy day at work today. I only had my tiny small stars. We got the moms and dads and stubborn grandmas out of the classroom today, so it actually felt like a real class. The class began with half of the students crying, some pretty vocally, so we began with some coloring and listening to music to begin the hour and then I was able to get through most of the prescribed lesson! They are so cute!

After class, Cindy and Sue walked back with me to my apartment so I could change my clothes and Cindy and Sue could check their facebook accounts through my VPN before heading over to Laura's for dinner with the other teachers and Lee, our new big boss. Laura made a great dinner and we had some fun conversations. We were celebrating the fact that we don't have classes tomorrow! This Saturday-Wednesday is the Tomb Sweeping Day Festival. Families will travel to where their ancestors' remains are to clean the area. However, since we are in China, everyone has to make up for their lost days at work for the holiday, so parents can not bring their children in for classes like normal tomorrow. We will be teaching our normal Sunday classes on Sunday and our Saturday classes on Monday. I have a pretty easy teaching week this week, two days of work, a day off, and two more days of work!

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