Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fluff Season

Fluff Season has arrived in Beijing! I was arrived late into Fluff Season last year. Fluff Season relates to all the pollen, fluff from the cherry blossoms, and all the other wonderful, but allergy filled wonder that comes from the plants! Lucky for me, after surviving four springs in Eugene, Oregon, it's not too much of a big deal for me, but certainly brings out the face masks for a lot of people here! The fluff is actually pretty beautiful, like cotton balls floating in the wind. I was watching a few float through one of the buses I was on today.

I went to Starfish today for my classes. I haven't been there for three weeks. Three weeks ago, I had a training, and then the next two weeks the women were away. Most of my students were out today, so I only worked with Xiao Li who is a beginning student. She is the one that is pregnant and is busy with a little one less than a year old. She was just exhausted, so I ended class a little bit earlier.

My landlord came over today so I could pay for my last month of rent! They were really nice to let me stay an extra month without raising the rent!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a scene from every childs dream...floating "cotton candy". I'll bet it was beautiful. We are all growing moss here...too much rain, cold, and dark. Yukky!!!
