Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The "Uh-oh" Bus Ride

I got on my normal 915 bus to get to the Starfish Center this morning to go to my volunteer teaching gig. Usually, the bus goes on for about five minutes before it starts making regular stops. Well, this bus just kept going... and going... and going! Then, it got on the freeway! Ahhhh! I called the center and told them of my predicament and they just laughed and said I had gotten on an express to the airport. I guess sometimes they forgot to add the extra character onto the number, so I had no clue! The bus went for about 40 minutes until it made a stop. I got off of that one and took a taxi to the center.

My beginner class and I made it through the entire alphabet today! It was very exciting. The hardest letters for them are "Q," "R," and "W," which are really hard for my little small stars to pronounce, too.

I made dinner for my friend Claire and I. Claire was the senior teacher at my school, but was made the Director of Studies at the new school without any bathrooms. We had a good long chat and I gave her a few of my Oprah magazines. She got a kick out of Oprah being on every cover!

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