Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Stars in the City

Work has been incredibly busy the last few weeks. I've been put in charge of designing some special Thanksgiving lessons for the older students that has to include an art craft! Suggestions are welcomed! Plus, I've been volun-telled to do another workshop for the teacher's conference in early December. Busy, busy, busy!

Last night after work, I went with Cindy and Marie to a little spa shop in the Lama Temple Hutong area to get our nails done. We got there quite late, but they stayed open for us, which was really nice. When we were walking out, I looked up, and we could see maybe fifty stars or so in the night's sky. It was spectacular! I have never seen more than 3 stars in the city at night before. It was a pretty awesome moment. Marie and I tried to tell Cindy about seeing an endless amount of stars and she kind of thought we were crazy!

My big news for today is that I bought a plane ticket to come home for a little over a week during Christmas time! I'm really excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I still suggest the hand turkey. That's good for all ages! ;)

  2. I agree! We will be making hand turkeys sometime!
