Monday, November 15, 2010

The Heat is ON!

It was beautiful, clear and cold day in Beijing as the people rejoiced in thanksgiving of the government turning the heat on! I know I did a happy dance in my apartment tonight as I turned on what was once my air conditioner that is now my heater! Love it! I had been having discussions with my friends at work about where my heat was going to come from. Colleen, do you have a radiator? No. Colleen, do you have a radiator in your bathroom? No. Colleen, don't you have any vents in your apartment near your windows? No. Colleen, does your air conditioning unit have a sunshine on it? Yes.

The sunshine worked! I now have glorious heat wafting into my little studio!

So, that's the biggest news of my day! I had an okay day at work, but still don't have as much energy due to the lurgy, which makes it tougher to run after my little small stars.

My friend, Cindy, a local teacher, came down with the lurgy today. Over tea tonight she told me that I had to tell my blog readers that just because she is Chinese does not mean she is immune to the lurgy. It's been noted, Cindy!


  1. Wow Colleen! I guess you could look at the government control of your heating and cooling as the ultimate in "conservation of energy". Perhaps that makes it easier, knowing you have done the maximum in curbing energy use! Warm noses for all!

  2. I'm reminded of another song: "Leeeeeet the sunshine in, leeeeeeet the sunshine in! The Su-unshine in!!!" Glad you're warm, love. :) It's starting to get cold here too... which reminds me- I'm so glad you're coming home during Christmas beacuse I'm dying to go to Papaccinos since I just CAN'T go without you! :)

  3. I like your thinking, Sandra!

    I can't wait to go to Papaccinos, too, Laura!

  4. I can't go to Papaccino's without you, either. However, I've been going to the other one, what's it called, The SE Grind? The 24 hour shop on Powell. I've been going there every Thursday for last month or two after school to finish up HW and study for exams. Very Portlandesque. lol

    Are you free Sunday, or the Friday after Thanksgiving for a Skype date?
