Friday, November 12, 2010


Nothing really exciting to report from Beijing, except that it is getting really cold, especially at night and in the mornings. I have been enjoying how the parents and grandparents wrap up their children like they are about to enter the North Pole. People have told me that it even gets funnier when Winter finally hits.

We had a long day of training today at work. Two of the other schools also came by for the training about teaching the youngest elementary aged classes since there has been a trend of really low testing scores for the age group. I do not teach any really low elementary classes, but I still took away some key points from the workshops, especially about teaching phonics. I hope that I will be able to incorporate more phonics with my little small stars and my older students.

I only had one class this evening with a mid-age elementary class. I've been teaching this class since I arrived in May, but I am finally starting to feel really comfortable with them and know their strengths and weaknesses as a class. It's a good feeling.

I've been gearing up for my open door class with one of my little small star classes. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they are going to be on their best behavior with their parents around!

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