Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Electricity, Beans, Heating Solutions and Other Stories

I woke up Monday and noticed my heater was off and the light on my computer wasn't on! Yikes! There went the electricity again. Normally, that wouldn't be such a big deal on a Monday, but we were making up our Saturday classes, so I just had to hope I could get seen at the bank during my lunch hour. I raced out of my last morning class and the dude ahead of me getting into the bank practically ran me down at the number taking machine! He was either just really rude or desperate, too. I nervously graded paper and tried to telepathetically speak to the people in front of me to make it snappy! It's never good when the teller has to call someone else over to help them! Luckily, my number was called ten minutes before my first afternoon class. I was incredibly happy. I didn't want to go through an evening of no electricity or heat.

Speaking of heat, I had a revelation last night. Normally, I have been just using the air conditioner/heater system for heat, but I decided to try out the main heating system thing-y again. I had tried it right after the government turned on the heat, and it never seemed to work. Last night, I turned on the controls in the front living area, the kitchen, and the bathroom and it started to work. I have floor heating. It was a good experiment. My apartment is a much more pleasant place to live in now!

Today, I ventured out to renew my gym membership. I haven't been to the gym in two and a half weeks, so it was a bit rough going at first, but it eventually felt good to be back on the treadmill. I had the easiest time signing up and paying for monthly membership. I said "Hello" and they just started to get the papers and stamps ready! At least I have a reputation at a healthy spot!

I went home to conquer my first try of making chili from scratch here. I got inspired from my friend Laura's New Year's Even dinner of chili. I bought beans- a black bean and maybe a soy bean of some sort- and soaked them overnight. It took a long, long time for them to cook this evening. My chili turned out to be more like a bean soup with vegetables, but eatable, which was the most exciting part since I have enough to last me a week! I miss my crock pot, but I felt like I was really doing something starting with dried beans for the first time in my life!

Pictures are from a Very Roddy Christmas and our little New Years party.

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