Friday, January 14, 2011

Dude! It's Cold Enough to Freeze Your Water Bottle!

Tonight, while walking home from the gym, I had placed my metal water bottle in a little half pocket on my backpack. When I got back into my studio, a nice layer of ice was beginning to collect on the outside and inside of the bottle. It's cold out there tonight!

The last couple of days have been all about preparing for our Winter Camp that begins on Monday. Our school is getting really low numbers so I might not have to teach an extra course. Yesterday, all the Beijing Kids and Teens Center teachers gathered at our school to learn about all the different aspects of the Winter Courses. I "love" how they divide us so creatively by schools to go to the different workshops. It's just so weird that they don't want us to mix with the teachers from the other schools!

Today was the last day of government and public schools for most of my students. They are on a break until about the 20th of February! My two students for my class were celebrating so my class for tonight was canceled. I was able to get a lot of boring administration work done instead before hitting the gym.

I had two wonderfully fun things occur today, though, besides my fascination with my water bottle! I got to talk to my friend, Dan, on Skype this morning. I haven't talked to him since the week I left Portland in May, so that was pretty wonderful. Plus, I understood how much the fruit man told me my purchase was today! Progress!

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