Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Congee Day

I had an excellent start to my weekend today. I slept in and met up with Stephanie, Joyce and Cindy for an afternoon of KTV! Stephanie wanted a smaller leaving party. We rocked out in our little Star Trek inspired KTV room. There was a lot of old school Backstreet Boys songs sung! You just got to love that even though we spent our teenage years thousands of miles apart on different continents, we can bond over the Backstreet Boys. So awesome!

Today is a special day in China. I still don't really understand it and haven't found any good websites to explain it, but here's what I've learned so far. Today is a day where you are suppose to eat congee. Congee is kind of like oatmeal, but with rice and people usually add vegetables, meat and sometimes fruit. Today celebrates the eight treasures in Chinese history. I haven't been able to link the eight treasures to Congee yet, and the girls were having a really hard time explaining it to me in English, but they told me to just enjoy the Congee we had for dinner because it will help me have a lucky year. I had a spinach congee for dinner tonight and it was very tasty. Here's hoping for a good year!

I was very sad to read on Facebook that the Ducks lost. Still proud to be a Duck, though! I bet tomorrow will be a sad day in Oregon.

Hi Meghan and Brian! Happy Birthdays you two! See not only is it your birthdays, but a special, lucky holiday in China!

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