Thursday, June 9, 2011

The ICBC Stare Down

I finally have access to my bank account after a long 16 days!

I waited about two hours this morning until my number was called. I had a great stare down with the ICBC teller for 40 minutes. He would stare at me, stare at my passport, enter something on the computer, and then just stare at me again! It was a frustrating process, and I was already upset with the whole ordeal, and stared right back at him. Eventually, he demanded I pay more money than the service fee I had already paid a week ago. I did not have any money on me, I had used the last bit Cindy had loaned me last week on noodles for dinner last night, so I told him no and just stared back. Eventually, he sighed and kept up the staring, passport, computer, staring process all over again! Finally, he handed over my bank card. It's very pretty. It has the backdrop of the Forbidden City on it!

Next, I was trying to find a way to book my plane ticket online using my China bank account. I had to go back to the bank and apply for an online account which took another two hours of my life! Long story short, I wasn't able to download a program I needed for my online account at Ef, and ICBC does not recognize Mac users, so hopefully I'll try again over at the Sun residence tomorrow.

Tomorrow, I'm off on a train with Cindy and Joyce to visit the South! I am way excited! I don't know how often I will be able to post on my blog, but I am going to try to write every night and then post it to here when I get the opportunity!

Write to you soon!


  1. The stare down was probably because he was expecting a bribe. I know, annoying and unethical ... but that's how the majority of my stare-downs ended in China. Interesting that he was so up-front to demand more money, though.

    Enjoy your visit to the South!

  2. Excellent work, Becky! I'm so proud of you. I can't wait until you can demonstrate your stare down face with the ICBC tellers! :) I hope you have a GREAT time on your trip! I know you will. Love you!

  3. Thanks, guys. Eric, the ICBC is suppose to be a very legit bank in China. I think it was more about being so annoying to them then anything other than that.
