Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 5: Arriving in Chengdu

The train to Chengdu felt much shorter than the train trip to Xiang Fan. I think most of it had to do with me being able to sleep soundly for 8 hours! I didn't wake up at all!

We arrived in Chengdu at about 1 in the afternoon. I had prepared myself for it to be much hotter than Beijing, but it was actually quite pleasant. We took a taxi to the hotel that we are staying in. It took the hotel almost 30 minutes to check us in since they were having a hard time reading my passport.

Our hotel room is really nice and I am able to get Internet on my computer. The girls napped this afternoon while I spent the time reading which was really nice.

We went out to a famous food and tourist shop street. We had spicy noodles and random other snacks as we walked around from booth to booth. It is a lot like like Beijing's Hou Hai area, but with more trees and water! It was beautiful. We also stopped for coffee at the most beautiful Starbucks I have ever been in.

We took a taxi back to a mall close to our hotel. The girls did some clothes shopping. It was fun to be with them, but I am excited to be able to come home and go shopping for clothes in the states soon.

Tomorrow morning, we are off to see the pandas!

1 comment:

  1. I am SO glad you were able to stay the extra time to travel China. I can't wait to see the photos. Keep us posted on the arrival of your e-ticket!!!!
