Sunday, May 30, 2010

Teacher, You're from Texas, Right? No? Ok... New York City, right?

I've been having fun introducing myself to each of the elementary and high school classes by asking them where they think I am from. Every class has guessed America in seconds. However, in a few classes, I have asked them which state they think I am from. Texas had gotten the most guesses. I've tried to tell them that my voice would sound a little different if I had grown-up in Texas, but I don't think many students have understood that. I have tried comparing it to how all the different regions of China speak different dialects, but I don't think I've made a good enough comparison with that analogy. I have received a lot of guesses that I am from New York City, LA and Houston. I have received on San Francisco, which was very close. Once I show them on the map where I live between California and the state of Washington (no, I'm afraid not where President Obama lives kids) they seem a little disappointed that it is not one they are familiar with. However, I had one middle school student ask me which NBA team that I lived near and wanted to know if it is where Kobe is from. He said he had never heard of the Trail Blazers before and that I should move to Chicago to be close to the Bulls.

I decided that Star Trek the movie's pace was just too fast for English Language Learners. I instead had an awesome conversation about what they think will be like in 100 years. I had to teach the word "alien" to the class. They quickly picked up on the idea of an "alien" being a person moving from one country to another country, but I was having a rough go of explaining an "alien" from another planet. I attempted to draw the Earth and the other planets and made a lot of arrow from different planets to Earth. I'm pretty sure the students had a vague understanding after that. We spent some time on those pesky infinitives and I gave a very brief definition of Science Fiction to the class. I gave them an even briefer description of the three main characters on "Star Trek" and how they are on a mission of peace. I put on the beginning of the "Tribbles" episode and they loved it. They especially enjoyed Spock's ears and were quick to call him an "alien." They asked me to bring more episodes next time. I was just subbing in for a teacher on holiday today, but it was a fun group to teach. Maybe I'll get some of them as students later in the year.

The rest of the day at work was not too exciting. One of my classes was canceled and I got a lot of planning done for the next few weeks. I am trying to build a decent portfolio of lesson plans so I can have some proof of my work here for future potential employers back home.

I made another adventurous trip to the Lotus this evening for groceries. I only got a bag of sweet peas taken away from me, even though they had been weighed and everything! I found an Australian brand of oatmeal that is much, much cheaper then my normal box of ridiculously expensive cereal so I am excited to try that out. Tonight I made my first traditional Chinese dish of eggs and tomatoes over rice that one of the local teachers told me would be simple to make. I've had the dish from restaurants, but it was fun making it on my own.

Captain's Log: 3 Weeks down!

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