Monday, May 17, 2010

It's All Chinese To Me!

Signing an apartment contract in a foreign county is fascinating. It made me feel like I am really doing this now.

I started my day later then I had planned because I had to wait a long time in the lobby of the hotel for them to exchange some of my money for rent. I got off the subway at the right stop, but promptly went down a few wrong streets. If you have ever ridden in the Geo with me, you know this already, but be able to read a map or figure out how to get anywhere is not a strength of mine. I can barely find my way where to go in the city I grew up in let alone in one of the biggest cities in the entire universe. Plus, I learned that Beijing has a bunch of "Media Villages" all in the same area that look a lot alike. It was destined that I would get lost.

Jason, the real estate agent finally found me just two blocks away from my future residence. We met up with the landlords inside my new space. The man was very excited to show me the two new chairs I had requested. I had thought I was getting like a comfy-ish chair since the couch is not very comfortable, but there was just two wooden chairs. Ah, the language barrier! We quickly went over a few check lists about what was there and not and what condition they were in. Jason tried to teach me how to work the air conditioning system, but I think I'll just have to play with it on my own to really understand it. I learned how to pay for the electricity. Electricity here runs on cards that you pay for at the bank to the government. I have to fill the card with money and then take it to the "electric" room in the building and swipe it at my room's electric box. Then, the electricity works until you use up all the available money. The landlords told me that they are providing me with complimentary cold water, but I will have to pay for hot water on my own. Jason told me that I somebody will stick a bill on my door every once in awhile and I'll have to go to the bank to pay for that. I also had to pay for cable for the year, which was very inexpensive, but I got laughed at when I told them that I didn't want cable. Jason told me that the government provides cable at a low fee for the entire nation. I just went with it while the locals continued to laugh at me.

Tomorrow, I have to go with Jason to the police station to register myself as a resident. EF told us that you have to alert the closest police station whenever you leave the city for more then a week at a time or when a friend comes to stay with you. The hotel that I am in had to register for me.

After I left the complex, I found some food and went to work. I spent the afternoon working on lesson plans for my evening classes and connecting all the computers with my code and printing information. I asked one of the local staff members to explain the Chinese postal system to me. I learned that I can send letters or packages from a post office or I could ask the front desk staff at work to call for a postal worker to pick up my packages. I have not noticed a single mail box around town and she told me that is because there isn't any.

I taught two preschool classes this evening. The first one had a little boy who was so mean to his fellow peers, but everyone else did an excellent job. We were learning about how to celebrate at a birthday party. My next class was fabulous until the very end were they all just started to lose it. However, it ended at 8:15 and what four-year-old has it together that late at night? I wasn't upset, but I think I can plan more realistically for next week's class.

I'm starting my weekend tonight. I picked up some take-out, promptly got turned around and had a little adventure finding my way back to the subway station! Tomorrow, after the police station I plan on moving at least one suitcase over to the apartment and buy some bedding at The Lotus which is kind of like a Beijing Bed, Bath and Beyond. However, I think I'm going to continue to sleep at the hotel for as long as I have it.


  1. im so excited you have an apartment! that is such a success and it sounds like you're settling into your classes well. I cant wait to come and visit (and apparently register with the police)! i want to see your school. I want to see everything!

  2. Congrats on getting an apartment! You should post some pictures soon! It sounds like you're having a good time :)

  3. And an address to write to when things settle!
